GAJENDRA S CHAUHAN  …………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………… …………………..It is not friendship which leads to love but love which leads to friendship. My friendship is still continuing with Yavi (AS I call him) since 1983, meanwhile so many people (friends) came and departed leaving their poisonous stings on him ; but a very few people I can count on fingers, one very near to his heart and vice-versa.                                                     The most amazing thing which I have come to know is that he is able to take all the blames & punishment on his own to defend his own people to live peacefully at both the ends (whosoever it is). The most astonishing factor is that the ‘Yavi’ is the sufferer and main causative factor of any event because of his believes, and this thing tortured me a lot as I knew what was happening behind the curtain .He never likes double moral standard; He believes in  being just what you are. I stand  the witness to his precious holy tears when his friends stamped him  as a drug addict, his tearless cry for his father , a glowing smileless,tough looking, confidant face with deep expressive eyes when he achieved his goals six months after his father’s demise.                                                                           He really has no egoistical motives but have accepted responsibilities for others. Responsibilities calls for legality but he never feels such barricades in his life. He does whatever he wants to do and appeal to him truthfully, for the happiness of others. There is now a vacuum an empty space, emptiness creeping into his life. To fill this emptiness; he diverted himself to his old love paintings/sketches which he was used to do this to fill his emptiness not time during his studies.                                                                                      To keep the parallel lines from slanting is a difficult job but he did it; (being a plastic surgeon as well as an artist; professional life as well as a practical life .                                I have to trust Yavi and know that by doing so he does not want to take something away from us but he wants to give us something to help us, and create a work of art. This confidence and trust in him will give us strength to boost up his divine will. This thing I can tell you in a very strict sense that he is my two time life saver not as a doctor but a friend in a very true sense indeed and I really mean it. I have no words to describe the situation as it was during my physical as well as mental trauma.                                                                Once he makes a friendship; he is so dedicated to that relationship internally that no one can predict except the two. I think this intense feeling if he wants to disclose the slogan must be like this:- “I cannot divorce myself from my own self.”As far as his love is concern he never involves his body but only the heart and divine knowledge ,not the whole materialistic person, love which has made the decision, Love which has decided to remain faithful-faithful to one person-and to share with this one person one’s whole life. For Yavi it means that two persons share everything they have not their material possessions only, but also their thinking and their feelings, their joys and their sufferings, their hopes and their fears, their successes and their failures.

        For him, the natural reaction of shame is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a defense and protection at the same time. Girls should consider their natural feeling of shame and modesty in certain situations as a gift and put it into the service of love.                                Yavi is far ahead of his time what you think; he can predict and immediately come to a conclusion and react within no time. This is one of the reasons besides his truthfulness, that most of the people find him irritating and most unfortunately he is always a misunderstood person.                                                                                                                                   He is religious and spiritual to a level of meditation only. He thinks that superpower (an ethereal body) is within you; and what you need is to activate that only through meditation…………………….By GAJENDRA S CHAUHAN…………….For Dr.YAVISHTHA KAUSHIK……………………From……….Image